Thursday, February 4, 2010

My Near Death Experience:

Alright, so I was on my way home, minding my own business, gazing up at the stars because it's a deliciously cool, clear night. I was walking across the frozen river when all of a sudden "CRACK!!" the ice cracks and I fall in! Nah, only kidding...The ice is fine :)

Anyways, I was walking across the ice when I see a BIG movement on the other side. Naturally I freeze, freaking out that I'm about to die. I watch while from the shadows a big THING moves around. I can hear my heartbeat in my ears, my brain is racking through my 'fight or flight' response mechanisms. I'm already over half way across the river, it'd be stupid to turn back, so I wait a few minutes to see if I'm going to die. Nothing happens. I wait a little longer...I hear movement further down the bank, well away from where I'm standing. I decide to press forward, handbag at the ready to swing at any predator, after all it has half a 1L coke in it from the grocery store, enough to cause my attacker a bit of a dizzy spell while I run away. 

I continue slowly, scanning the tree lined bank for any signs. Nothing. I move a little faster, up my usual path, towards the lights of the car park for the staff accommodation I live near. I'm in the light now, can't see any trouble when WHAM! right there, in the edge of the road is a huge.....umm....thing! It could be an elk, or possibly a moose, I can't tell the difference. It's just hanging out, eating the grass and looking at me like I'm a lunatic. I breathe a massive sigh of relief. Then BAM! A second one appears, on the island in the middle of the road. There's 2 of them! And they're about the size of big horses! 

I'm thinking, they have to be more scared of me than I am them right? That's what people always say. Then I remember Lee our tour guide from the Moose Tour saying not to go near females, because the male is never far away, and he won't hesitate to attack to save his females. So I start scanning the area thinking I'd be able to see him. I spot two more elk/moose (moose? or Mooses? I dunno....). So now there's 4 right. They could turn me into a shishkabob with their horns! Or trample me to death! But to get to my house, I have to walk between the first two I saw. So I make like a tree and stand still thinking they'll eventually walk away, or get scared off by a car. Not one but TWO cars come past and the elk/moose don't even flinch. My feet are frozen, I can barely move my fingers, I want to get home!

I take a few tentative steps onto the road. Neither of them are bothered. I take a couple more. Both look up, quizzically. I freeze. They freeze. I wait for them to go back to eating before I take a couple more steps. Looking good, I'm almost free. That's when I remember I have my camera in my bag. What the hell, I'll doubt I'll ever be this close to something like that again! I slowly and carefully fish it out, while scanning the area for any signs of attack. I step a little closer to one that's on the grass, on a little raised bit, thinking it's be harder for it to jump down to gouge me with it's horns so I get a head start running. I'm terrified the flash will alarm her. I take a couple more steps forward. I can see her big black eyes watching me as she munches on the grass. Just a few more and I'll be close enough.

I take a shot. The flash is blinding, but she didn't even stop eating. It's a bit dark, can barely see the picture. I step forward a little more, extending my arms to their fullest to get my camera closer. I have press the button so it can focus, a little orange light shines on her coat, she looks up at me, turns her head, and freezes. "CLICK"! Perfect shot! A little dark, but considering it's midnight and she's in the shadow of a building, it's wonderful. Once the flash has gone off, she goes back to eating. I say thanks and continue on my merry way home.
It was amazing. Being so close to something so wild, and have her pose for a photo even. Wow.
So here's what you've been waiting for. The photo:

The Elk/Moose :)
And here are some pictures of Snowflakes:
Just because they're pretty :)

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